Erobots: Meeting Astronauts’ Needs in Space Through Technology

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Space has been a subject of interest since the dawn of humanity. We have always wanted to know what lies beyond the stars, whether we are alone in the universe, and what secrets are waiting to be discovered. Space missions can provide so much exciting information about our planet and the universe we live in. However, there are a couple of problems for those brave enough to venture into the unknown.

Sending Men to Space

As technology improves, so do our accomplishments. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space. He paved the way for the entire space exploration and showed that traveling out of Earth’s orbit is possible. Over the years, more and more people have left our planet in pursuit of knowledge. The next important milestone was when Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Edwin Aldrin Jr. landed on the Moon.

Thirty years later (more or less), the International Space Station was launched. It was a collaborative work of eighteen countries, and it created a basis for space exploration and scientific improvement in all spheres. It takes around eight minutes to go to space, but reaching the ISS is a bit longer. To reach the space station, it would take you approximately three days from the time of launch.

As you probably know already, space missions can be a bit too long for some people. On average, they last around six months, and spending time in the vacuum of space can be challenging. This is why space programs need to consider basic human needs when sending men to space. They need to ensure that working in space is comfortable, safe, and healthy, both physically and mentally.

The basic needs of every human are food, air, and water, and just because someone is 400 kilometers away from Earth, doesn’t mean that they don’t need anything. Even if we take a look at the Apollo 11 mission, we can notice that it is significantly shorter. The astronauts spent 21 hours on the surface of the Moon, and the entire mission was eight days long.

Spending six months in space is a whole other thing. They need to consider the amount of food, water, and other needs, including sex.

Sex in Space

This all leads us to an interesting topic — sex in space. No, this isn’t the name of a porn movie. We’re talking about the idea and possibility of having sex in space. Interestingly, NASA claims that no one ever had sex in space and that none of its astronauts decided to have a bit of fun while bored during space research.

Since the ISS has no neighbors, we have no options but to believe that it is true. What is interesting here is that NASA (and other space programs) don’t deny human nature and the fact that people might get lonely during the mission. Their answer is technology. According to NASA and other space agencies, technology is key to solving problems, including sex during long-term deployment.

It seems that companies have spent a lot of time wondering about their options and how they could help their astronauts feel less lonely. Needless to say, sex in space, i.e., in an absolute vacuum, would be quite challenging. It would be nearly impossible for two people to have sex when there is no gravity.

The idea behind it is to find a way astronauts can have some fun and improve their mental state during these long missions.

The reason why this is so important is a lot more complex than getting laid. People spend months on the ISS, and they are detached from the rest of humanity. Everyone else is hundreds of kilometers away from them, and it can be quite stressful and lonely.

So what is the way to improve their mood and help ward off loneliness? Well, NASA claims science is the answer. It seems that scientists have already tried to find a solution to this problem, and the results seem rather interesting.

Sex Tech and Erobots

What do you get when you combine a horny scientist and nearly unlimited resources? Sex robot. All jokes aside, there has been a lot of talk about sex tech and robots as a way of dealing with loneliness during space missions.

The innovations in technology are mind-blowing. Each year there is a new product that seems to have arrived from a science fiction movie. NASA believes that erobots and sex tech can become an important part of space missions.

What are erobots? It is a term used to describe the technology or an object used for sexual stimulation. There are already a couple of choices available, and they might prove to be quite helpful.

Some of the examples include sex toys, and if you follow the trends in the sex industry, you probably know that there is a toy for anything. Sex toys can also include sex dolls, which have improved a lot since those good old blow-up dolls. Furthermore, thanks to virtual reality, the combination of sex toys and VR can provide an incredible experience. Artificial intelligence is improving by the minute, and there are already a lot of commercially available games that can help one deal with loneliness.

Of course, none of this will fully replace the human touch and the feeling of being intimate with a real person. However, considering the situation and the fact that there are no other people around astronauts in the ISS, this might be a good replacement.

It might help them deal with stress, anxiety, and loneliness and improve their overall space experience during longer missions. While it is far from ideal, it is definitely the next best thing. We are more than eager to find out what innovations NASA will bring and how they might tackle the sex problem during space missions.